
Learn Swift by Example – Part 1 Structs

Learn Swift by Example – Part 1 Structs

If you’re interested in learning Swift, we are starting a new tutorial series that will explain language features in detail. Today we released part 1. It discusses the importance of structs in Swift.

As always feedback is appreciated!

Develop a Push Notification enabled app and .Net Based Push Notification Server

Develop a Push Notification enabled app and .Net Based Push Notification Server

In the latest addition to our range of tutorials, we will be exploring the realm of push notifications. This tutorial will help you to learn to develop an app that utilises the push notification, and simultaneously, allow you to develop a .Net based push notification server.

Getting smack in the middle of a rather hectic schedule, caused my absence through the series. Now that there is finally some time to breathe, I hope we can reconnect as we venture out to our latest programming adventure.

Our agendas for this rendition of the tutorial series are:

Why this particular blog post;
What is a notification center and its pros and cons;
Before writing the first line of code, what you should configure in the iOS Dev Center to use “Notification Center”
What we need to use inside our app to enable the Notification Center
Finally, how to develop a Notification Server which serves the notification to the app users with the help of the Apple Notification Center

Swift Tutorial: Build a Facebook Album Browser

Swift Tutorial: Build a Facebook Album Browser

Md. Arifuzzaman published this tutorial to make a basic Facebook Album Browser using Swift. To make this simple program, you will need: Facebook SDK for iOS, knowledge  of  Objective C Framework/Library in Swift, TableView in swift,  Notification API in iOS and some basic ideas about Storyboard and MVC.

How to create UI components in iOS 8 using Swift

How to create UI components in iOS 8 using Swift

In this Tutorial Andrei Puni from weheartswift shows you how to create UI components for iOS8 Applications with the 2 new interface builder declaration attributes IBInspectable and IBDesignable. You will probably need 10 minutes to complete this Tutorial.

Andrei released the used code on GitHub and a little demo video.

Enjoy the Tutorial.

Introduction to Swift & Building a simple To Do List App

Introduction to Swift & Building a simple To Do List App

In this series of Video Tutorials rm2kdev how to work with Variables, Arrays, Conditional Statements, Functions, Classes and Inheritance in Swift. These Introduction Videos are the groundwork for developing with Apple Swift. After understanding the syntax and how to deal with the coding-conventions there is an Video Tutorial how to build an simple To Do List App for iOS 8.
This Tutorial series also includes videos about Core Data, Custom Objects and the UI Kit in the Playground environement.

Subscribe to rm2kdev’s Youtube Channel


Using Objective-C Classes in Swift

Using Objective-C Classes in Swift

Mark Petherbridge from the iOS-Blog in the UK published an Tutorial about the usage of Objective-c classes in Swift. The Tutorial is split up into 3 Parts.

  • Part 1 – Classic Hello World
  • Part 2 – How to connect to the iTunes Search API
  • Part 3 – Best Practices using Swift

If you are already an Objective-C iOS-Developer this tutorials is made for you.
