About Julian

Posts by Julian :

Working with Classes

Working with Classes

Andrei Puni published a Tutorial about Classes in Swift Language. In this Tutorial you can learn how to create Classes, deal with Initializers and how to create custom Initializers. This a very basic Tutorial, but helpful with references to the official Swift documentation.

The second Part of the Tutorial describes how to work with Inheritance, Overwriting, Base Classes and Protocols.

Building a simple iOS/Mac OS App with Swift and SpriteKit

Building a simple iOS/Mac OS App with Swift and SpriteKit

Today I found this Tutorial on gamefromscratch.com. It’s the first one out of an yet unfinished series about Game Development with Swift and SpriteKit. This first Tutorial shows you how to create an SpriteKit/Swift Application in X-code 6 and how to display a Sprite in the Application using SKSpriteNode.

Ray Wenderlichs Swift Cheat Sheet

Ray Wenderlichs Swift Cheat Sheet

Ray Wenderlich created this Swift Quick Reference / Cheatsheet PDF. You can download, print it and in it on the wall next to your computer.

Source: raywenderlich.com

The CheatSheet is always updated. You can find the recent version here

Download Now
Official Apple Swift E-Book

Official Apple Swift E-Book

Apple is providing an Free E-Book about their Programming-Language “swift”. You can Download the book here on Swift-Tutorials.com. The E-Book has an length of 500 pages. To read the book you need an Mac or iOS-Device with iBooks installed.

Apple’s official description of the E-Book is:

Swift is a new programming language for creating iOS and OS X apps. Swift builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. Swift’s clean slate, backed by the mature and much-loved Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, is an opportunity to reimagine how software development works.

This book provides:

  • A tour of the language.
  • A detailed guide delving into each language feature.
  • A formal reference for the language.
Download via iBooks
Introduction to Swift & Building a simple To Do List App

Introduction to Swift & Building a simple To Do List App

In this series of Video Tutorials rm2kdev how to work with Variables, Arrays, Conditional Statements, Functions, Classes and Inheritance in Swift. These Introduction Videos are the groundwork for developing with Apple Swift. After understanding the syntax and how to deal with the coding-conventions there is an Video Tutorial how to build an simple To Do List App for iOS 8.
This Tutorial series also includes videos about Core Data, Custom Objects and the UI Kit in the Playground environement.

Subscribe to rm2kdev’s Youtube Channel


Introduction to Swift Playgrounds

Introduction to Swift Playgrounds

Lee Brimelow created the Swift Video Tutorial “Introduction to Swift Playgrounds”. In this video he shows you where to Download the new X-Code 6 beta, how to setup your first Swift project and shows you the new live scripting experience with Swift Playgrounds.

This Video is the first of an Series he will publish here. Enjoy the Video!

Using Objective-C Classes in Swift

Using Objective-C Classes in Swift

Mark Petherbridge from the iOS-Blog in the UK published an Tutorial about the usage of Objective-c classes in Swift. The Tutorial is split up into 3 Parts.

  • Part 1 – Classic Hello World
  • Part 2 – How to connect to the iTunes Search API
  • Part 3 – Best Practices using Swift

If you are already an Objective-C iOS-Developer this tutorials is made for you.

Official Swift Guide by Apple inc.

Official Swift Guide by Apple inc.

With the release of the Swift language Apple published their official getting started Guide “A Swift Tour”. This Tutorial gives you an quick overview over the Swift language and provides the classic “Hello World”-Tutorial.


First Video Tutorial about the Apple swift programming language

First Video Tutorial about the Apple swift programming language

Today Amin Meyghani postet the first Video Tutorial about Apples new programming language “Swift”. The Video will provide you an quick introduction into Swift. More →

Apple introduced their new programming language “Swift”

Apple introduced their new programming language “Swift”

Today, June 2nd 2014 on WWDC 2014 Apple introduced “Swift” – their new programming language for iOS App-Development.

Here on Swift-Tutorials.com we will provide Tutorials about swift.
